Sunday, December 18th
Isaiah 7:10-18. Romans 1:1-7. Matthew 1:18-24

The Word is powerful to fulfil all the Lord God wills and purposes. The Most High holds all things in His powerful, loving hands. So has it been since time began and shall be until all is gathered up and brought to fulfilment

Each child of man born into the world has his place and contribution assigned to him by the Lord of All; he is invited to take it and fulfil it in and through Our love. As response is made in faith and trust and self-giving so is the contribution made, the faithful progressed in eternal life, the offering made becoming part of the Lord God’s Kingdom of eternal life and light ad love.

Have faith, then, and trust in the word as you receive it: be confident that you will receive all that is necessary to do all that is required as you continue faithful in Our love.

‘All shall be well and all things shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.’