January 21st
Corinthians 1:26-31. Matthew
To all who are in me and
I in them I am freedom from
the sin and failure of the
past, guidance in the present
and progress in the Father’s
will and loving purpose
- which is eternal life.
I am the love enabling self-giving
in the grace and power of
Our Holy Spirit. Wisdom
and holiness are given -
as they are sought - by
all who follow in my steps,
receive me in their heart
and mind and welcome Me
in their inner being.
To all who give all all
is given in the fathomless
generosity of the Father.
Be challenged and inspired
by this truth and pray for
faithfulness and obedience
in Our light and leading.
I am The Light, The Way,
the End in the fulness of
the Father and the peace
and joy of Our Holy Spirit.