January 18th
Samuel 15:16-23. Mark 2:18-22
The Father’s love
is over all the children
of His love born into the
world of His creation. He
cares for each and every
one as though there were
no other. For each I died
and each is potentially
a child of the Father’s
Kingdom of life and light
and love. Let the spirit
of Our love be in your attitude
towards and meeting with
others along the way that
We may reach out to them,
establishing and extending
the Father’s Kingdom
were you are. I speak to
every one of the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters.
in every place and race
and time.
Life is for living in the
spirit of self-giving to
the Lord of all Creation,
Father of the sons and daughters
of His love. Offer all to
Him and pray for the guidance
of Our Holy Spirit in all
you think and say and do.
So will you enable Us to
inform and strengthen you
in Our love and empower
you for loving service in
the Father’s world.
I, the Father’s Love
Incarnate and His Incarnate
Word speak to one and all.