March 2nd
19:1-2,11-18. Matthew 25:31-46
As you open mind and heart
to Our indwelling so shall
the Father’s will
be known by you and done
by you through the grace
and power of Our Holy Spirit.
But the time is come - indeed
is far past – for
you and all the children
of the Father’s love
to raise your sights and
serve the Father and your
fellow men and women not
only in your community and
nation but far and wide
according to Our Holy Spirit’s
light and guiding.
First pray for increased
knowledge and understanding
of the present needs of
your brothers and your sisters
near and far and for guidance
as to where your contribution
is needed and required.
All faithful to the Father’s
will and loving purpose
are individually and corporately
called to this loving service
of their fellow men. Through
prayer and generosity respond
as you are led and guided
by Our Holy Spirit.