March 13th
17:3-4,12-13,17-18. Matthew
The Father offers the fruits
of His most glorious world
to His beloved sons and
daughters to enjoy and share
with their brothers and
their sisters. He looks
to them to use the gifts
of light and light and love
to grow in faithfulness
to Him and service to the
one and many near and far.
All are judged by their
dispositions and actions
and all are free to accept
or refuse the Father’s
boundless generosity. I,
the Father’s Word
Incarnate, speak constantly
to the mind of each and
every one, offering light
and life and refuge from
the consequences of wrong
choice. I am the rock of
safety and salvation and
– with and through
Our Holy Spirit –
save and sanctify all who
turn and call on Me. I,
the Father’s Love
Incarnate am the Way, the
Truth, the Life.