Thursday, October 23rd
Ephesians 3:14-21. Luke 12:54-59

Receive the gift of love into heart and mind if you have not already done so. Let love grow in the centre of your being you have received the Father’s love. I am the Father’s Love Incarnate, immanent and transcendent, and I am His Incarnate Word spoken from the beginning in the Father’s world to every child of man whoever lived or ever will. Life is for the opening up of this tremendous mystery and living in the light and power of it. Offer all you have and all you are becoming to Our transforming and fulfilling love.

All have the means to make a beginning or to progress in the way of love. All who offer heart and mind to their Lord Creator are given both love and knowledge in the way as they continue faithful, and the power to respond both to Him who is creating them and also to their brothers and their sisters near and far.

I am the Father’s Sign to every one of His beloved sons and daughters, His Salvation and His Love in and through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.