Tuesday, October 21st
Ephesians 2:12-22. Luke 12:35-38

You were born into the family of man – you and all whoever lived or ever will – to grow and prosper as a beloved son or daughter into the unique perfection designed for you by your loving Heavenly Father and in due time to take your place in His glorious Presence in the fulness of eternity.

To this end each child of man is called to love and serve the Father in the grace and power of Our love and to identify His will and loving purpose in service of the one and many in His world.

Each day is for the furthering of this great destiny through my indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. For this the Father sent me into His beloved world in time. For this I lived and died. For this He raised Me from the dead to live in the hearts and minds of all faithfully committed in Our love to cleanse and purify and – with Our Holy Spirit – lead, inspire and bring to the joy and fulness of Eternal Love.