Sunday, March 23rd
Easter Day
Acts 10:34, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4. John 20:1-9

Your life in Me is also your life in the Father and in Our loving Holy Spirit, and theirs in you. All who die to sin and self-seeking in the grace and power of My Saving Name are in the light of My risen life and become My light to others according o the Father’s will and loving purpose – as they continue faithful and obedient in the way.

This is the truth for all times and for all individuals and communities. It is the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will to bring all committed and faithful in Our love into His Kingdom of eternal life and everlasting love both now and through eternity.

Live daily in the power of this glorious truth through my indwelling and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit. Praise, bless and glorify the Father both in your heart and mind and in His Church.