March 22nd
14:10-end, 15:20-2. Romans
Matthew 28:1-10. John 19:38-end
Let there be a quiet waiting
on that which is revealed
to all who watch and wait
and pray for the unveiling.
Constantly renew your commitment
and faithfulness to Father,
Son and Holy Spirit in the
grace and power of our indwelling.
It is written, ‘sorrow
abides for a season but
joy comes in the morning’.
All who follow in the steps
of the Son of Man in the
salvation garment which
He offers them are called
to watch and wait and pray,
and worship Him as he breaks
gloriously through His entombment.
All the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters
are called to break through
the bondage of sin and self-service
in the grace and power of
My risen life and the light
and guiding of Our Holy