Tuesday, June 24th
The birth of John the Baptist
Jeremiah 1:4-10. 1 Peter 1:8-12. Luke 1:5-17

The Father in His infinite love and mercy sent into His world in time one to prepare His sons and daughters to receive eternal life through His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. John was the fulfilment of the prophetic word and message and the harbinger of the coming of the Prince of Peace.

The Father’s Kingdom is established in the world of His creation and all may enter it who turn from sin and service of the self to the Father’s will and loving purpose. And there is need for constant turning in the lives of those who give themselves Love’s indwelling. I am the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word and I fulfil in all who are in Me and I in them the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will. Respond to the prophetic word and call that you may receive the Father’s Word Incarnate into the centre of your being. I speak to one, I speak to all.