Sunday, April 27th
Acts 8:5-8,14-17. Peter 8:15-8. John 14:15-21

All who are in Me and I in them receive truth and grow in the power of it; for I, the Father’s Love Incarnate, am The Truth. So am I the Father’s Word Incarnate, The Way and The Life: all who love me and obey the Father in and through me are ready to receive Our loving Holy Spirit.

Through My death this is made possible and, through My risen life, fulfilled. Our Holy Spirit is the power of My love, revealing truth and strengthening all who seek faithfulness and obedience in the way. All responding to the Father’s love in the grace and power of My indwelling are brought to fulness and perfection through Our Holy Spirit in the fulness of eternity. And they know increasingly – as they continue faithful – the joy and power of His Presence in the way.