Thursday, February 16th
The Seven Founders of the Order of Servites
Romans 8:26-30. Matthew 19:27-29

Continually repeat your loving commitment to the Father's will and loving purpose and live it through in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love and through Our light and guiding. All will be well for those who commit all they are and pray in Us for all that is required of them to become and do. Let mind and heart be still: seek moments as well as longer times for the peace and joy of Our indwelling to fill your soul. So will you become Our power and joy and peace to others as well as powerfully inspired and strengthened in your faithfulness and obedience to the Father's will and loving purpose. Recall the words and the power I speak through one of My loved and committed ones, "All shall be well and all things shall be well and all manner of things shall be well".