August 24th
St. Bartholomew
21:9-14. John 1:45-51
The Father's word scans
heart and mind of every
child of man and offers
truth and power to walk
in it where response is
made. So has it been from
the beginning, so is it
now and shall be till the
end of time. And when the
Word became the Word- Made-
Flesh the Father made that
latent wisdom available
to the Son of Man that the
Father's will be done, His
Kingdom founded according
to His will and loving purpose.
So was it with Matthew and
all called to leadership
of the Kingdom in the Father's
Recognise the Father's
Word within your heart and
mind, beloved of the Father
- I speak to every one of
the Father's children born
into his world. The Father's
-Word - Made- Flesh, who
also is the Father's Love
Incarnate, laid aside His
place in glory at the Father's
side to take on the fulness
of humanity in all its limitations
and potential. And this
I did according to the Father'
will and loving purpose
that I might bring you and
all faithful in Our love,
to the fulness of Our glorious
Godhead in the Kingdom of
the Father in eternity.
Question these things in
the deep places of your
heart and mind but never
doubt. I am present in your
questioning as you seek
truth and understanding.
Through My indwelling and
the light and guiding of
our Holy Spirit We bring
you to the joy and glory
of the Father in His glorious
Kingdom as you continue
faithful in Our love.