September 21st
St. Matthew, Apostle
and Evangelist
4:1-7, 11-13. Matt.9:9-13
Matthew was ready to respond in
faith and trust. He was intelligent
and worldly, quick to identify the
way of profit in this world's goods.
Yet he was not satisfied and he
was ready for a better way when
it was offered him. And offered
him it was. The Father had chosen
him for leadership within the Kingdom
of His love, the Word had spoken
to his heart and mind and he recognised
the call when it was given. And
he followed, joyfully offering all
he had and all he was to Our light
and life and leading.
So are you called, beloved of the
Father: I speak to one I speak to
every one. Follow faithfully that
you may know the fullness of eternal
life and through our life and light
and leading become Our word to others.