Tuesday, September 20th
Ezra 6:7-8, 12,14-26. Luke 8:19-21

The Father's Word is in the hearts and minds of all who rule in justice and in care and kindness. It is He who makes all possible for action and - with the light and guiding Our Holy Spirit - brings blessings to the one and many. I am the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, and I enter every heart and mind which seeks to love and serve their fellowmen.

And I am the brother of each one within the Kingdom of the Father, one with them in all experiences and vicissitudes. But I am also Lord and Saviour of each child of man, bringing all who seek the Father's will and loving purpose into the fullness and the joy the Father offers them. Pray for faithfulness in love and in self-giving and We will make our home in you.