October 3rd
Jonah 1:1,
2:1-11. Luke 10:25-37
The word is ceaselessly and constantly
spoken to the sons of men - to every
child born into the Father's glorious
world. It is vital for the health
and well-being of the one and many
that the word - uniquely spoken
to each one and corporately imparted
to the many - be taken into heart
of being and responded to according
to the light and guiding of Our
loving Holy Spirit. But all are
free to make their individual and
corporate response or to withhold
it, or to dally and procrastinate
in the way.
Respond, beloved of the Father,
to the Father's word in the quiet
places of your heart and mind. I,
the Father's Word Incarnate and
Incarnate Love, have walked the
earth before you and I offer you
eternal life and progress in eternal
life. Welcome me in silence and
self-giving: I am the way into All-Being.