October 14th
Romans 4:1-8.
Luke 12:1-7
The Father loved you into being
as He loves all in the world of
His creation. And I, His Son beloved
ad loving am part of His creative
love within His world. I entered
in the world to offer pattern of
the perfect life and to glorify
the Father through My death and
risen life: for through My offering
and identification with it each
child of man may come to his perfection
and fulfilment in the light and
power of My Indwelling and the guiding
of our Holy Spirit.
Have confidence in this tremendous,
glorious mystery, beloved of the
Father. Rejoice in that Love who
creates and perfects you in the
fullness of eternity, and join with
all the Father's sons and daughters
who engage in the joyful, progressive
dance of all faithfully committed
in Our love, seeking to engage others
whom you encounter in the way of