January 6th
The Epiphany
60:1-6. Eph 3:2-3, 5-6. Matt
The sun has risen for each
person and all peoples in
the Father's world. He who
is creating worlds and universes
to glorify His Name has
called the sons of men,
down countless ages, to
respond to His sun's rising.
And it has shone throughout
the whole of His creating,
bringing wonder into that
which He has made.
I, the Father's Son beloved
and loving, am His Incarnate
Word and Incarnate Love
in the world of men. I came
to earth to save and- through
Our Holy Spirit - sanctify
all children of the Father
responding to the light
vouchsafed to one and all.
Rise, shine, each child
of man, reflect the joy
and beauty of the light
as it is offered you, through
My Indwelling.