Friday, September 12th
1 Timothy 1:1-2, 12-14. Luke 6:39-42

Be subject to the discipline of love, humble in receiving love's rewards. You are unceasingly offered forgiveness for your faults and failings and grace - which is the Father's love in action - to forgive and help all who offend and hurt you.

My love is powerful to fulfil the Father's will in you, for you, and in the Kingdom of His love. All things co-inhere in the Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love the Father is creating. You have the place He has assigned you from the beginning, with every child of man whoever lived or ever will. Only be faithful: the faithful abide with Him in love for evermore.

I am your life, your light, your truth, the Father's love in you, His Word-Made-Flesh. Abide in Us in faith and trust and absolute self-giving and let Our love enable and inspire your every action.