Tuesday, November 4th
St. Charles Borromeo
Romans 12:3-13. John 10:11-16

You are called to ministry and service of the Father: I speak to one, I speak to all. Such ministry and service is both particular and general. You are fashioned to become the Father's instrument in the Kingdom of His love, and through your function and relationships you are called to fulfil His will and loving purpose. And in the minutiae of daily life the Father looks to His beloved sons ands daughters to relate in love and kindness with all they meet.

And I am with you all the way as you invite Me into heart and mind, communing with Me in the centre of your soul in silent offering of your total being.

All for one and one for all: such is the call and challenge - and reward of all within the Father's world. The Father calls you, and you are enabled to respond through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.