Saturday, November 22nd
Hosea 2:16-17,21-22. Matthew 25:1-13

Integrity and justice, tenderness and love : these are the gifts bestowed on all the Father's children- poured into the heart and mind of every one who comes into the world. And the Father undertakes to bind each one of them with bonds of love which undergird and overshadow with the consciousness of knowledge, wisdom and of understanding of the all-embracing love which only He can give.

But this love must be related to by heart and mind and in faithfulness as its challenge and potential is unveiled. And there must be response in offering all that is given - offered to the Father's will and loving purpose.

Love grows by what it feeds on. I am the food available to every pilgrim in the way. I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. Feed on Me in your heart with thanksgiving. And glorify the Father in your faithfulness.