Saturday, March 15th
2 Cor. 5:14-21. Matt.5:33-37

Let the word the Father speaks in you be pure and undefiled and let it be the grace and power of all your action. I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love have redeemed each child of man whoever lived or ever will. But that redemption must be taken into heart and mind and made the basis of all life and living. Our Holy Spirit sanctifies and progresses all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love and brings them into life eternal.

The Father's word within the soul is not infrequently distorted in the uncommitted to truth and to self-giving. I died for everyman's redemption that each might live according to the Father's will and loving purpose. That is for the enwholement of each child of man, in fellowship with all the joyful company of His most glorious realm of light in time and through eternity.