Tuesday, March 11th
Isaiah 55:10-11. Mathew 6:7-15

The whole world glorifies the Father through its existence and through all that it produces. And man both irradiates the Father's glory and becomes an intrinsic partner of it as he is faithful to the Father's loving purpose and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

I, the Father's Son beloved and loving, became Incarnate Love and His Incarnate Word in His most glorious world to reveal the pattern of perfection for all times and peoples and to be the challenge and reward for all faithfully committed in love and in self-giving. For through My life laid down, My resurrection and My risen life all alienation from All-Being and All-Loving is removed as the light and power of My Indwelling is welcomed and responded to within the heart and mind in obedience, in faithfulness and in love.