Wednesday, June 18th
2 Kings 1:6-14. Matthew 6:16-18

Your life is part of the whole story of the Father's will and loving purpose - yours and the lives of all who love or ever will. And all are in My loving care except the few who consciously and perversely reject the light and love We offer them. Pray for them and for all whom they hurt along the way.

Your life is in my hands, your way is guided by Our Holy Spirit and your soul is fed by your commitment to My Presence in your heart and kind. Believe and trust, be faithful and obedient, humble yet glorifying, praising and rejoicing.

Our life and light and joy will direct you in the way and bring you to the fullness of the Father, and We will minister through your life and witness as you continue faithful. This is the point and purpose of all life for all.