Sunday, August 10th
1 Kings 19:4-8. Ephesians 4:30-5:2. John 6:41-51

Pray to become what you are called to be in the loving purpose of the Father. Pray to be enabled to respond in love and in self-giving both to Him and to His world as Our Holy Spirit leads and guides. I am the sustenance for the way, the food for the wayfaring; and I bring all faithfully committed in the way to the fullness of eternal life.

Only believe and trust, offering your total self to My Indwelling. All who are in Me are in the Father too, and Our Holy Spirit surrounds and penetrates and inspires for action. Our saving, sanctifying love brings all things to perfection and fulfilment in the faithful and the true of heart.

I am the bread of life: take, break and be made whole and holy through the power of My Indwelling.