Thursday, November 21st
of BVM
Zechariah 2:14-17. Matt. 12:46-50
Obedience in love and in
self-giving to the Father
is the key to life eternal.
I come into the heart and
mind of the faithfully committed:
through My Indwelling and
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit all is accomplished
in the faithful and the
true of heart. Our Kingdom
is established , Our Presence
reaching out to all within
the Father's world.
Seek quietness of heart
and mind, and hollow out
a place within your life
and being that I may build
you into fullness and flood
your soul with life and
the radiance and dynamic
of Our love. So will you
become and do all the Father
wills and fulfil His loving
purpose for you. I speak
to one, I speak to all.