Friday, November 1st
All Saints

Apocalypse 7:2-4. 1 John 3:1-3. Matt. 5:1-12

Rejoice in the great panoply of Our redeeming, sanctifying love and that you are part of the redeemed and sanctified in Us. Such is the loving purpose of the Father Who calls each child of man whoever lived or ever will into His glorious Presence and into life eternal with Us and with each other.

All faithfully committed in Our love are potentially saints , and some are called to share the pain and penalty of death in witnessing to truth : such are the martyrs. The crown of life is the reward of all who follow faithfully in The Way, as they are led and guided.

Follow, then, in truth and absolute commitment. Become what you are called to be and let Our life and light and love shine in and through you.
