Wednesday, May 8th
17:15-22, 18:1
Keep faithful to the word
within you. So shall Our
loving Holy Spirit reveal
to you its meaning and its
power. I, the Father's Word
within His whole creation,
His Word Incarnate and His
Incarnate Son, am in each
soul of man, dormant or
awaiting Our beloved, vibrant
Holy Spirit to unveil the
mysteries of Everlasting
Love. And in the hearts
and minds of countless sons
and daughters of the Father
I grow in fellowship and
in the likeness of the Father.
Such are Our faithful ones,
gently but surely making
their way to the fullness
of eternity and Eternal
Love. For the faithfully
committed in Our love all
pain and sadness are caught
up in one great and glorious
witness to the will and
loving purpose of their
loving Heavenly Father who
reigns with Us both now
and in eternity.