May 3rd
Ss. Philip and James
1 Cor. 15:1-8. John 14:6-14.
(John 15:12-17)
I the Father's Love-Made
- Manifest, call all the
sons of men to My embrace.
All who are in Me and I
in them I bring to life
eternal in the presence
of the Father. That life
is offered to each child
of man as each seeks truth
and power to follow where
it leads. The truth is love,
the way to it is love. I
am that Love, and I lead
all faithful, trusting souls
to the Father. I am the
way, the truth , the life
within the context of the
Father's will and loving
And that same love calls
all the faithful to it to
be Our love to others in
the Father's world. It is
the life eternal which issues
from the Father and through
its presence and its power
within the one and in the
many abundantly bears fruit
in joyful, loving service.
Through My
Indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy
Spirit all faithfully committed
in Our love are brought
to fullness in the Father.