Saturday, February 3rd
Hebrews 13:15-17. 20,21. Mark 6:30-34

Let the Father's will be paramount in individual and community. No one can know the Father's will unless he gives himself in love and self-giving both to the Father and the service of his fellowmen. The Father's will and loving purpose both for the one and for the many is one and undivided. I came into the world to reveal the Way to see and understand the Father and His will, and, through Our saving, sanctifying love, grow into the dynamic of obeying it. Such is the purpose of all life and living for the sons and daughters of the Father.

All who faithfully seek the truth and power to walk in it need time and place for regular prayer and meditation. So is the mind instructed and the soul fed. And the totally committed in Our love and service are led and guided to serve the Father's world for which I lived and died and rose again, through their listening and dedication to what We say to them at their soul's centre.