Sunday, February 25th
Exod. 34:29-35. 2 Cor. 3:12-4:2. Luke 9:28-31

The grace and power and glory of the Father may be seen in His beloved Son. The Son reflects it to the sons of men who seek the Father's will and power to walk in trust and love, and in obedience to the Father's loving purpose as they perceive it.

I enter and indwell the hearts and minds of all the faithfully committed in Our love, and bring them to that fullness and perfection which they seek as they continue faithful. And as they grow in Me and I in them so do they gradually but perceptibly grow in faith and trust and self-giving. Not that they have reached perfection, but sins and failures are forgiven as they are offered to Our saving, sanctifying Presence in the soul.

Listen to the word which continually is spoken in your heart and mind. Look with singleness of purpose to the hope and challenge of your calling. And pray for faithfulness to Him Who seeks to enfold you and all you are and do for Him and for His beloved world, in His all-powerful, comprehensive love. So shall the glory of His Being shine in you and yours and bring you to the fullness of eternal life. I speak to you, I speak to all.