Thursday, August 30th
lie down and sleep , and I
wake again , for the Lord
upholds me Psalm 3 :
"I am the searcher of
men's hearts and thoughts
, and I will reward each one
of you according to his deeds
..................I will give
him the star of the dawn .
2:23, 29
I, the light of all the
faithful, reveal the path
and illuminate the way.
All who shun the light wander
in the darkness of unknowing,
perceive the loss within
their soul, and lose the
way through their own wilfulness
and perversity. The weak
and frail I gently lead,
and those who fail and fall
I give new light and life
as they desire to find the
way of truth and love and
Be strong in Me and faithful
in your following and I
will bring you to the fullness
and the joy of Everlasting