Sunday, August 19th
38:4-6,8-10. Hebrews 12:1-4.
Luke 12:49-53
The cost of man's salvation
I have shown in life and
death: and I call on each
one of My loved and loving
followers to be with Me
in suffering as I am ceaselessly
with them. The cost of freedom
for the sons of men is challenging
and demanding as I have
shown in life and death
and in My risen life. The
power of My risen life I
offer to all followers in
the way through their daily,
hourly dedication to the
Father's will and loving
purpose and through the
power of My Indwelling.
Be faithful and committed,
open, joyful, and prepared
for all that lies ahead
in becoming and in doing.
Maranatha, maranatha, maranatha.