Saturday, March 25th
The Annunciation
Isaiah 7:10-14, 8-10. Heb. 10:4-10. Luke 1:20-38

The Mother of Incarnate Love gave all she was and had in faith and trust and absolute self-giving. And her immediate and unconditional response to the Father's will and loving purpose for His whole creation made possible the world's salvation .Humanly I came into the world. The loving care bestowed upon Me enabled Me to grow unto the fullness of My manhood as the Father led and guided and enabled Me to do His will and , in due time , fulfil His loving purpose for His world .

Relate to My beloved Mother: let her inspire your faithfulness and commitment through her obedience , humility , and absolute self-giving . Be challenged and encouraged by her love for Me and for the Father. Incarnate Love Who entered My beloved Mother's womb was brought forth in love and tenderness and care : so does He enter every human heart and mind seeking to grow into full maturity according to the Father's will and loving purpose . And My beloved Mother offers her loved and loving Son both to the Father and to all the Father's children in His glorious world .