Sunday, January 2nd
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Eccus 24:1,2, 8-12. Eph.1:3-6,15-18, John 1:1-14

The promise of the future for the beloved of the Father who are redeemed and sanctified in Me is full of hope and glorious fulfilment in eternity. The eyes of every mind and the understanding of the heart are enlightened and enhanced as they pursue their way in faithfulness, in truth and love. For I, the Alpha and the Omega, bring all things to fulfilment and, through the grace and power of My Indwelling, present the redeemed and sanctified to their loving Heavenly Father as eternity succeeds to time .

Have joy and peace, then, in believing and in the solidarity of the faithful of all times and places; for you are part of the most glorious fellowship of all who are committed to Our saving, sanctifying love. Let your whole life be one great offering in Me.