Thursday, January 13th
St. Hilary of Poitiers
1 John 2:18-25. Matt. 5:13-19

Right knowledge is the key to life eternal: right understanding is the power to unlock the door to The Way. I am the means of progress in The Way. Take Me into heart and mind that through the power of My Indwelling you may be enabled and inspired along the way. So will you become a lively member of the Father's Kingdom and do His will as you are shown and guided. To do the Father's will is the joy and duty of each member of the Father's Kingdom, the minimum and the totality of membership. And to travel faithfully along the way in fellowship and in obedience is life eternal and a foretaste of that life beyond all life with Father, Son , and Holy Spirit . Rejoice, then, and be strong in Me and you will know the fullness of eternity despite all present suffering and adversity.