Tuesday, August 8th
St. Dominic
1 Cor. 2:1-10. Luke 9:57-62

The glory of the Father is challenging and wonderful in all things. Though the soul of man can only dimly see the reflection of its fullness, yet is each child of God called to approach The Presence in his time on earth, and through the power of Our saving, sanctifying love, be transformed and brought to dim perception of it. That perception grows and deepens and is ultimately fully seen and known beyond his life on earth, with angels and archangels, and all the glorious company of the redeemed and sanctified in Heaven. But life here in time is necessarily demanding : did I not show the Way, and in My life and death and self-giving made possible the way for everyman? Be constantly challenged, first by knowledge that the Father, in His infinite love, has place and purpose for each child of man in His Kingdom, and secondly by following in the way according to the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Pray for perception, constancy, and faithfulness that you may grow in love and self-giving, and that you may become and do all that the loving Father wills and purposes.