Wednesday, August 23rd
St. Rose of Lima
2 Cor. 1017-11:2. Matt. 13: 44-46

The selfless person is the truly wise one: through loving discipline in selfgiving to the Father the self is realised in all its fullness . And in his life and work he glorifies the Father, serves his fellowmen, and finds in life abundant joy and satisfaction . For My Abiding Presence is his strength, his consolation in distress and pain, and his intimation of the totality of power and glory in the Godhead. Have joy and peace in this unshakeable reality, enduring faith and confidence in all that lies ahead, whatever that may be . Commit your total self to My Indwelling in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. Praise, bless, and thank the Father Who is the source of all creation and who calls each one of His beloved sons and daughters to be a co-creator in the process of becoming.