Friday, January 17th
Pray all the time, asking for what you need,
praying in the spirit on every possible occasion
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer is a condition of the soul, an orientation of the whole person. Each child of man is potentially a son of the Father's eternal Kingdom : such is his glorious destiny in hope according to the Father's will and loving purpose. But he must choose to accept the challenge of his true humanity, seek every means and opportunity offered for travelling in the way and practise faithfulness in all things.

So will he grow, progress and prosper in the things the Father purposes. For I will be his strength and his protection, his light to guide, his signpost in the way . And when he falls or wanders I will be his safe return and his salvation, his armour and his crown.

And at the end of time Our faithful ones will come to their perfection through Our indwelling and Our saving, sanctifying love ; for they will be whole and holy and proceed to everlasting joy in the glory of the Father's Presence.