Monday, February 5th
1 Corinthians 1: 26-31. Luke 9:23-26

I, the Father’s Word Made Flesh, am your strength and your redeemer: I speak to one, I speak to every one, to individuals in relationship, to families, to groups, communities, to people in all faiths and to all nations. Through My life laid down and through My risen life and the sanctifying of Our Holy Spirit all, all are called to freedom and to virtue, to holiness and wisdom, to progress in Eternal Love and to fellowship with one another.

But as you are given so much in costly offering so must you give. My life laid down for you and continually offered for your progress in Eternal Love and service of the Father and your fellowmen needs must be matched by absolute self-giving to be effective. But as you give so do you receive: the cup of the totally committed in love and in self-giving is constantly filled and overflows and Our peace and joy are theirs whate’er the outwards circumstances.