Saturday, February 24th
Isaiah 58:9-14. Luke 5:27-32

As all beloved sons and daughters of the Father have sinned and fallen short of the Father’s will and loving purpose so have I died for them. And as they accept My offering freely and lovingly given – and My risen life – so are they brought into the way off life eternal, for I am The Way and, even so, The Life.

It is the Father’s will and loving purpose that all the children of His love should live in peace and joy in His glorious world and that they should generously share the good things they enjoy and have fellowship one with another. He pours blessings on each one of His beloved sons and daughters, and as His gifts are thankfully received, used and shared so do they increasingly become part of the structure of his Kingdom in His world.

Peace and joy flow from the Father’s Being. Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit you are drawn into the unity and power and joy of Eternal Love as you give yourself in obedience, trust and love to Him who ceaselessly loves you.