Thursday, February 15th
Genesis 9:1-13. Mark 8:27-33

Pray that knowledge of the Most High be revealed to you; and so it will as you desire and seek it, and power to live and work in faithfulness and trust as you gradually receive it. And pray for understanding and for realisation of the responsibility of both understanding and knowledge in your life and work.

Know that I, the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, am the means of knowledge and of understanding and – with Our Holy Spirit – the light and power for progress in eternal life. The Father promises eternal life to all who seek truth and power to walk in it. I am that Truth, the Way and even so the Life.

Deep things of knowledge and of understanding are revealed to all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love and obedient to the Father’s will and loving purpose. Through Suffering Love man is redeemed: I, the Son of Man, invite you to identify with Me in love and in self-giving.