Friday, February 23rd
Apocalypse 2:8-11. John 15:18-21

The grace and power of My indwelling, the Father’s love and fellowship in and through Our Holy Spirit – all are yours as you continue faithful and committed in The Way And they are building you in life eternal and enabling you to know and do the Father’s will according to His will and loving purpose. So it is for all faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love.

And you are promised inspired resilience to life’s trials and tribulations through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Realise that you are lovingly held in the palm of the Father’s hand. Sorrow, pain and sadness are experienced by all the Father’s beloved sons and daughters but they are temporary and transmuted into victory in Me for all continuing faithful to the end.

Believe and trust and be totally committed in Our love. The crown of life awaits all faithful in Our love in the fulness of eternity in fellowship with all the faithful of all times and places.