Monday, February 26th
Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18. Matthew 25:31-46

I, the Father’s word since time began, speak now to every one born into the Father’s world in every race and place, community, creed and commitment . And I speak to all who have not given themselves to anything beyond their own desires and choices.

Life is for living fully and abundantly, thankfully receiving and employing all the many things and blessings which come to them from resources beyond themselves. Let all share generously what they have and identify themselves with the joys and needs and suffering of all both near and far, especially with those whom they meet daily in their life and work.

All in the Father’s world are accountable both now and at the end of time. Let all pray for increased sensitivity to the needs of others near and far and for ways and means of helping wherever opportunity is given. I speak to one, and speak to every one.