Friday, March 6th
Jesus said, "It is I, do not be afraid……This is working for God : you must believe in the One God has sent ….on Him the Father has set His seal."
John 6: 20,27-29

He who identifies with Me in all he says and thinks and does discerns My Presence in all he encounters and experiences. And I am with him through the grace and power of My Indwelling. So am I his light and strength in the pattern and the substance of his life, for the Father has designed his way within the pattern of His total purpose. Nothing goes contrary for the totally committed. Even occasional sin and failure may be woven into the fabric of the whole redeemed and sanctified oblation as it is offered to My saving, sanctifying love in trust and in self-giving.

For I am not an intellectual abstraction but the Father's power for loving action in His created world. Each beloved child of the loving heavenly Father I address at his soul's centre, and invite him to accept My Presence. In truth and love I lead as I am welcomed; from afar I wait and watch those who reject Me, lovingly desiring their return to My protection and progressing of their souls in life eternal. As you believe in Me, commit your being and your every thought and action to My redeeming, sanctifying love.