Saturday, March 21st
Jesus said . " Whoever keeps My word will never see death....... I tell you most solemnly, before Abraham was. I am."
John 8:51. 58

So as I am the light and life and truth, the Father's word and saving love to every child of man, I teach and train and tend each one who seeks to serve the Father and his fellowmen. In myriad ways of thought and action I present the Father's will to each for each to follow. In quiet places of the mind and heart I speak and summon every one to pursue his soul's perfection through Our saving, sanctifying love In the power of My Indwelling. This is eternal life and It Is My gift to all who live In Me and I in them.

Each moment of each day is for growth and progress In the way I offer. Commitment to My love and willingness to follow in the way Our Holy Spirit lights and guides will bring the faithful follower that life eternal the Father wills and purposes for all the faithful and the true of heart. And each will, know the way the Father offers him as he continues faithful.