Tuesday, March 31st
Jesus said to Martha. " I am the Resurrection and the Life : he that believeth in Me. though he were dead yet shall he live:
and whoever liveth and belleveth in Me shall never die."
John 11:25

Each child of man the Father loved into existence receives his soul's vitality through Me, for so the Father has ordained It. And I am one with him and with Our loving Holy Spirit who lightens each and every soul which looks for truth , and guides it in the way of finding it. I am the soul's vitality, its life, its progress and fulfilment. Sin and that self-assertlveness which so beset the mind and heart of every child of man I encounter from within each one as I am welcomed and responded to at the soul's centre.

Let all who know My Name and call upon My saving power and love pray for the many who do not recognise My Presence though responding to Our light and life and love. And pray for those who wilfully reject all Our approaches. I died for every child of man and suffer in each one rejecting his glorious destiny in love.

I am that life eternal the Father yearns to give to each and every one of His beloved children. Believe, receive, so will you prosper and progress in all the Father wills and purposes.