Wednesday, March 18th
Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world :
anyone who follows Me ………will have the light of life"
John 8:12

I am the Father's radiance in His created world: My Presence is the light and life and love proceeding from His Being and from His will and loving purpose. This truth and understanding Our Holy Spirit brings to every heart and mind committed to the light perceived, and I the very light Itself, bring strength and power to walk along the way which I enlighten, according to the faithfulness of each to that which is perceived.

For as I am the light and power proceeding from the Father's being and His purpose so am I The way. No one can know the Father save through Me and through My saving love. For this I came into the Father's world of men, to bring each child of man into His glorious Presence in time and through eternity according to the willingness and faithfulness of each

And every child born into the world is graciously invited to be Our light to others as they reflect the Father's love and power and glory. I am the way, the truth, the life in their commitment, and I light their way into the Father's Presence at the last.