Sunday, March 1st
John 8:2-11

Let it be known and fully understood that all who bring their sin and failure to My Presence invoke My mercy and My love. And as they ask forgiveness from their heart Our Holy Spirit illumines guides and strengthens both the mind and their intent.

And the Father's will and loving purpose becomes their inspiration as they invite My Presence into the centre of their lives. For they then are motivated and progressed through the power of My Indwelling.

And the power of My Indwelling is dependent on the measure of self-giving. Growth in the knowledge and the understanding of the Father's will and glorious purpose comes with obedience and experience. It is a life-long process. To him who gives all everything is given. He who gives little of himself to his fellowmen remains a lifeless seed upon the wayside.

I am the Father's saving love: ceaselessly I offer and bestow forgiveness as it is desired and sought. And I re-instate each beloved child receiving into the way of the Father's will and loving purpose.