Wednesday, March 4th
Ash Wednesday
Where your treasure is there will your heart be also
Matthew 6:27

Happy are those beloved children of the loving Heavenly Father who have identified that which will bring profit to their minds and hearts and build them into life eternal. However hard the way, whatever pain and sadnesses they may encounter, they are acquainted with increasing joy and with the peace which passes knowledge. Material things are temporary and have no substance. They have their place and value, and are given according to the need and circumstance. All are to be received with thankfulness and offered to the Father's will and loving purpose. So will they take their place in the dedicated life and not corrupt the soul, designed for progress and perfection through the grace and power of My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Your treasure is the Father's love, your destiny His Presence. Identify with Me in suffering and in death that you may rise with Me. So shall I bring you at the last into the Father's Presence.